Friday, March 27, 2015

Is it TIME for a Virtual Assistant?

We’ve all heard the advice that if you want to grow your business you need to focus on the things you do well and delegate the rest to others. When it comes to putting that advice into practice, many of us find excuses. 

We always hear people complaining that they just don’t have the time to do things.
“ I don’t have time to get in shape or go to the gym” or GAWD, I need to get this report done but I still have to call Bell TV to hook me up with the UFC fight tonight!”
We could all probably make better use of our time to work on the important things in our lives if only we had the "time". 
Ask yourself the following 3 questions:
    • Am I procrastinating on this task? If I’m procrastinating, I usually don’t have the resources, knowledge, or skill proficiency to do it well. - Outsource to someone who does.
    • Do I dread this task? If I view the task with dread rather than excitement, this signals that I don’t actually want to do it. This means that I won’t bring the level of passion and ownership that I would if I were exciting to me. Outsource it!
    • Am I AMAZING at this task? If the answer is “no,” chances are good that you can find an expert to help you out. 
        If you think you could use more time in your day doing things you care about instead of dealing with menial tasks, you should look into hiring a virtual assistant. 
        Balance InStyle has been in business 8 years.  We've recently expanded our service offerings to include a virtual line. You can learn more about this new line called Balance by Balance InStyle here. (More free time can really change your life.)
        Our newest offering is virtual, so between the hours of 9-5 you have local assistants at your disposal who you can delegate time consuming tasks to, like what Tim Ferriss recommends in his book “The 4-Hour Work Week". 
        Our new website launching April 2015 but for now imagine 

        Appointments, Reservations, and Logistics Coordination

        Imagine what would happen if you never had to make calls around for dinner reservations, hair appointments, car services, doctors’ appointments, price-shopping, Fedex re-delivery, meeting calendar coordinations, travel plans or chasing down your own accounts receivables?

        Our approach (and recommendation) is this – every time you have a task that doesn’t need your personal attention, outsource it to your VPA. 

        If what you ask is outside the scope of what we do ( we haven't seen that in 8 years ), we can connect you with someone who can help through our preferred partner network. Our success comes from running a Concierge company for the past 8 years. So we've seen it all.

        Putting Together Furniture, Dropping Off Dry Cleaning, Groceries, Home Renovations and Other In-Person Tasks

        What about those other time consuming errands that can’t be done virtually? We got you covered with our on the ground Concierge Services.  Name the task, and consider it done! 
        So if you have trouble getting to your important work because you are always busy dealing with the urgent, why not give us a call and let us help?  613-440-4446

        Wednesday, March 4, 2015

        How to be efficient and productive with your day.

        To stay competitive in today's digital world you need to be able to be efficient and productive with the 24 hours that you are granted each day.  

        The truth is we all have the same amount of time in a day: 24 hours or 1,440 minutes. In fact, you have exactly the same amount of time that was given to Helen Keller, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein. How you choose to spend your time is what will set you apart from everyone else. There are 24 hours in a day, let's say you sleep the average 8 hours, it leaves you with 16 productive hours to accomplish things that need to be done at home and at work. The question is how productive are you in those 16 hours? How many hours are being robbed by distractions, interruptions and mundane tasks that someone else could take off your plate? 
        Our team at Balance InStyle get asked all the time "How can I clone myself?" We sigh because I hear those words all too often and our response is always the same:"You don't want to clone yourself as much as you want to surround yourself with people who perform specific tasks better than you do.

        "It will take too much time to download to someone else to do" or "I'm the only one who can do it because..."or "I don't have time" and the list of excuses goes on and on. Henry ford put it best: “If you think you can or you can’t, you are probably right.” Are you putting your goals and dreams on hold because of the excuse "I don’t have time?"  Remember: I don't have time, is the grown-up version of the dog ate my homework.

        Do you feel?
        • Overwhelmed by your daily business activities;
        • That things are falling through the cracks despite your best efforts;
        • Your energy is being eaten up by time consuming tasks you loathe that doesn't forward your business;
        • You have nothing left over to give outside of the office, be it to family, friends or outside interests;
        • You lack a quality of life.

        If any of the above sounds like you, and you are interested in getting some help but aren't ready to commit to hiring a full time employee perhaps consider hiring a Virtual Personal Assistant. 

        There are many benefits of hiring a VPA ( Virtual Personal Assistant) but here are just a few key ones. 

        VPA vs Full-Time Employee
        • You don't have to cover time off for: Vacation, sick leave, maternity leave, leave of absence or personal days;
        • You don't have to make regular contributions to: EI and CPP and other company benefits;
        • No overhead: Office Space, Furniture and Equipment;
        • Best of all ... you don't pay for lunch or coffee breaks. You only pay for time spent working on your projects or account.

        Hiring an assistant may seem arduous at first, but the payoff is well worth it. We have never had a client express regret over hiring an assistant; only about not doing it sooner! 

        Everyone, no matter who they are, can use help from time to time and there is an easy, cost-effective way to get it. So as you can see, there are a lot of pros to hiring a virtual personal assistant. Ultimately, you are the only one who can decide if this kind of service is worth it. If you would like some further information on this kind of service we would love to hear from you.

        Here are a few ways to get in touch;
        Website - Balance InStyle ( new site ready in April 2015)
        Facebook - Balance InStyle 
        Twitter - @balanceinstyle